


  • Psychoeducational Assessments

  • support for childhood cancer (non profit) 

  • Parent coaching



Family-Centered Partnerships

your child can flourish

Unique Goals, personalized plans 

Empowering Every Child

We're here for you.

Each child and family we work with has a unique personality and goal for growth.  It is our priority to honor, serve, and partner with every family.

Whether you’re searching for the right assessment, academic support, or advocate, the professionals at Me Forest Hill are on your team. We believe that together, we can help every child who visits us feel more confident and capable.

Get to know us...

Academic support and advocacy for
children and families affected by cancer

The non-profit branch of Me Forest Hill exists to help children affected by cancer. This group of children has very unique needs and may require accommodations that are hard for schools and other professionals to understand or address. Because I’ve been through childhood cancer with my own daughter, I’m familiar with the potential side effects and my team of trained professionals are specifically prepared to work with, and on behalf of, children who have dealt with, or are dealing with, cancer. 

childhood cancer support

learn more

— Childhood cancer family  

"Dr. Shapiro and her team understood exactly what our family and child were going through during cancer treatment and the support we needed.  Their compassion, love, and, care made an extremely difficult time easier for our family."

— Childhood cancer mom

"I met Elana while her daughter and my son were undergoing chemotherapy treatment.  She helped guide us through such a difficult time and worked with our child's school to make sure that he received the accommodations needed. We are forever grateful that she brought a bit of normal back into a very non normal world for our family."

Love from our families

is your child struggling 
in school or social situations?

the right assessment can give you long-awaited
 Answers and a plan.